
衡水金卷先享题·月考卷2020-2021高一上学期一调考试英语 (人教版)

衡水金卷先享题·月考卷2020-2021高一上学期一调考试英语 (人教版),2020-2021衡水金卷先享题答案网整理收集了衡水金卷先享题高三一调各科的答案,各科的答案,关注微信公众号:趣找答案

Poorer Nations Face Bigger Risk in Easing
Coronavirus Restrictions

Step 1 Words in This Story
afford – v. to be able to pay for something
pandemic – n. a contagious illness that crosses several countries
patience – n. the ability to wait calmly
lockdown – n. shutting down a country or organization completely
enormous – adj. very large
Step 2 Listen and fill in the missing words.
Some wealthier Western nations have begun easing restrictions to guard against the new coronavirus. Many developing countries want to ease their coronavirus restrictions, but they cannot afford to 1 _________________.
Developing countries often lack the necessary tools, such as a strong economy, good hospitals and the ability to do 2 _________________. They need these things to overcome the pand

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